Qualifying Date:

Monday 15 April 2024.

4 x Teams to go through to Round 1.

Event Duration:

Qualifying Round, then 1 knockout round and a final to be played on consecutive Mondays at the specified times below.

Dates of Play:

Round 1.  To be completed on Monday 29th April, at 7:42am and 7:50am,
Final.  To be completed on Monday 6th May, at 7:42am.

Type of Competition:

18-Hole 4BBB Match Play.

Competition Fee:

$13.00 Select (AGF)
$20.00 Select (Non-AGF) Members
$25.00 Lifestyle Members
*Includes $2.00 Optional Card Draw


▪ You must indicate your intention to qualify for the 4BBB Matchplay to the starter when registering for the day’s play.

▪ The top 8 pairs who indicate their intention to qualify for the 4BBB Knockout Match Play as played on the qualifying date,
will be placed in the draw for the following week’s round.

▪ If you are not available to play on any of the dates listed, as a courtesy to your fellow golfers  PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER.


1. The Vets 4BBB Matchplay Championship is open to all Select, Midweek, and Lifestyle members, who are financial members of
the Ballina Vets.

2. The Rules of Golf and the Club’s local rules apply to this competition.

3. The daily handicap of the day the match is played is the handicap that will be used for the match.

4. All players must be financial members and possess a valid Golf Australia Handicap.

5. All matches shall be played from the daily white markers.

6. Strokes taken are as per the match index displayed on the clubs score cards.

7. Please note match play and stroke play are not permitted to be played at the same time.
E.G. You cannot play in a single competition of the day, as well as a match play event in the same competition. Those
playing their matches within a competition format may do so but cannot play in the competition of the day. No competition
fee is payable by the player. No Green fees apply to players playing their match play round.

8. All matches will be completed on the dates listed above, at the times indicated. Individuals who cannot complete their matches
by the due date will forfeit. Spots for each round have been allocated on the relevant Monday timesheet.

9. Winning teams shall report their result to the Proshop, who will then enter them in the next round on the timesheet.
10. Motorised buggies are permitted.

11. Approved distance measuring devices may be used complying with the New Rules of Golf.

Ties, Disputes and Protests, Suspension of Play

a. In the event of a tie, the match will be decided by sudden death play-off commencing from the 1st hole. Handicaps recommence
as per the match index.

b. Disputes and protests are to be in made to the Match Committee not later than 15 minutes after the finish of the round.

c. Suspensions of play will be signified by continuous short blasts of an air hooter. Players should mark the place where their ball lies and await further instructions.

The Match Committee will oversee the Vets 4BBB Match Play Knockout, and their decision is final.

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